Matcha Green Tea Latte

February 26th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

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Matcha is a finely milled green tea leaf powder. It’s been drinking in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony for about 500 years.

Matcha’s elegant bitterness goes perfectly well with milk and cream and ‘Matcha Latte’ is very popular in Japan, it’s even on the menu at Starbucks (in the USA and some other countries too).

Served hot or cold it’s delicious either way.

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— Matcha Green Tea Latte (serves 2) —

1 tablespoon matcha green tea powder

80ml hot water

400ml milk

2 tablespoons sugar (or adjust to your taste)


Sift the matcha green tea powder in a small bowl, add the hot water (not boiling) and whisk until powder is all dissolved.

Heat the milk in a saucepan over a medium heat (do not boil), add the sugar whisk with a wire whisk until the milk has a velvety milk form.

Fill glasses up to 2/3 with milk form.

Pour hot matcha green tea very slowly into the form.

Dust the green tea powder on the top.